Seed Destiny American Cast
According to Anime News Network, the English Cast to Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny will be as follows:
Chantal Strand as Lacus Clyne
Kelly Sheridan as Stellar Loussier
Matt Hill as Kira Yamato
Samuel Vincent as Athrun Zala
Vanessa Morley as Cagalli Yula Athha
Brad Swaile as Dearka Elsman
Kirby Morrow as Rey Za Burel
Lisa Ann Beley as
Murrue Ramius and Talia Gladys
Richard Ian Cox as Auel Neider
Ted Cole as Gilbert Dullindal
Tony Sampson as Sting Oakley
Trevor Devall as Neo Lorrnoke/Mwu La Fllaga
Alison Matthews as Narrator
Brad Swaile as Auel Neider
James Blight as Bart Eduardo
Maryke Hendrikse as Lunamaria Hawke
We'll confirm the factuality of this statement when we know for sure.
Chantal Strand as Lacus Clyne
Kelly Sheridan as Stellar Loussier
Matt Hill as Kira Yamato
Samuel Vincent as Athrun Zala
Vanessa Morley as Cagalli Yula Athha
Brad Swaile as Dearka Elsman
Kirby Morrow as Rey Za Burel
Lisa Ann Beley as
Murrue Ramius and Talia Gladys
Richard Ian Cox as Auel Neider
Ted Cole as Gilbert Dullindal
Tony Sampson as Sting Oakley
Trevor Devall as Neo Lorrnoke/Mwu La Fllaga
Alison Matthews as Narrator
Brad Swaile as Auel Neider
James Blight as Bart Eduardo
Maryke Hendrikse as Lunamaria Hawke
We'll confirm the factuality of this statement when we know for sure.